Sunday, March 29, 2009

Example of Anglican Lunacy

What sort of an Anglican Bishop - presuming that a Bishop has control over or concern for his priests - a big if, unless of course they are conservative priests who the Bishop will try to bully - would tolerate one of his parish priests mounting a highly indiscreet blog in which inter alia he calls himself a"ninja priest," informs his long-suffering audience that he shares his birthday with Kafka, Tom Cruise and Giraldo Rivera (and modestly allows that "he exhibits the best qualities of all of them"), trumpets his sagacity in running his parish, exults the political left and goes on at length about his hobbies and interests not to mention whatever catches his eye in the media or on the web ?

Time was that priests followed the dictates of the BCP ordinal, which charges them "to forsake and set aside...all worldy cares and studies" and to "apply yourselves wholly to this one thing, and draw all your cares and studies this one way." A tall order, to be sure, and one reason (of many) that we would not be a good priest.

Time was, that Bishops prevented priests from this sort of tedious behaviour.

Times was, the Wardens of the parish served by such a priest would quickly make clear this distracting diary of dilation upon distressing drivel was a no-go.

What the priest might have asked himself is - are my electronic words consistent with the office and dignity of my order ? and of my Master ?

Sad thing: the priest is doubtless sincere, well-intentioned, a good Christian, concerned for his people and not at all devoid of talent.

But people are voting in droves with their feet, and abandoning ecc. Ang. on this Continent, precisely because of their beloved Church's seeming to abandon its principal mission and emphasis on things numinous and metaphysical and holy in favour of the things of this world.

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